PTL 低温撞击冲击试验装置 德国PTL低温撞击冲击试验装置 IEC60670-1低温冲击试验仪供应进口IEC60811-1-4低温冲击测试仪 以确定绝缘电线,电缆,耦合器,插头的插脚绝缘套管外壳在寒冷环境下的机械强度,根据IEC 60670-1 / 2002-12 &15.1 Fig. 8 1), IEC 60811-1-4 / 1985 + Corrigendum May1986+A1/1993-09 + A2 / 2001-07&8.5 Fig. 2, IEC 60884-1 / 2002-06&24.4 Fig. 27 (and &30.4 Fig. 42 1)), EN 60811-1-4 / 1995-04 + A2 / 2001 &8.5 Fig. 2, VDE 0473 Part 811-1-4/2002-09 & 8.5 Fig.2, VDE 0620 Part 1/2002-01&24.4 Fig. 28 (and &30.4 Fig. 41 1)等标准。 对于这些,需要物品号为T16.4直径为6mm,的中间块 Standard outfit: steel block, height 40 mm, width approx. 200 mm, mass 10 kg, 2 columns, inclusive of upper crossbeam with fixing screw, lower crossbeam, easy adjustment of height, with releasing lever for the falling weight, guide rod, three-edged, with slightly rounded edges, for heights of fall up to 100 mm with maximum height of sample 40 mm, intermediate piece of steel, diameter 20 mm, bottom side rounded R = 300 mm, mass 100 g. Design:steel block primed and papyrus-white structure varnished, upper side of steel block browned, all other parts of stainless materials or nickel-plated, base 160 mm x 200 mm, total height approx. 450 mm without sponge rubber pad, Article No.: T 16.10 Alternative: PTL PTL Low Temperature Ram Impact Test Apparatus 14 as above, however for heights of fall up to 300 mm with max. height of sample 70 mm total height without sponge rubber pad approx. 700 mm, Article No.: T 16.14 Accessories: Intermediate piece of steel, mass 100 g, with striking bolt of diameter 6 mm, length 20 +1 mm, for tests according to the standards marked with 1), Article No.: T 16.41 Falling weights, with collar for the releasing lever, of browned steel, weight: 100 g 200 g 300 g 400 g 500 g Article No.: T 16.51 T 16.52 T 16.53 T 16.54 T 16.55 weight: 600 g 750 g 1000 g 1250 g 1500 g Article No.: T 16.56 T 16.57 T 16.58 T 16.59 T 16.60 Complete set , consisting of 1 piece T 16.51 to T 16.60 each, Article No.: T 16.70 Sponge Rubber Pad, as a base for the steel block, approx. 180 mm x 220 mm, 40 mm thick, density approx. 370 kg/m3, open cell, Article No. T 16.71 Sponge Rubber Pad, as above, but according to IEC60670-1/2002-12&15.1, density approx. 538 kg/m3, closed-cell, on request PTL low temperature ram impact test apparatus exactly according to VDE 0604 Part 1 /May 1986 $8.4 Fig. 4 or according to DIN 72 551 Part 5 / 1993-02: on request